Our College Cultural Association

1. The" Higher Secondary wing" shall consist of all higher secondary classes in Arts, Science and commerce of this college which from a separate entity. All the students + 2 classes in Arts, Science and Commerce will be members of the College Cultural Association.

2. The object of this Association is to foster and encourage Co-operative academic life and promote a sense of felow feeling and sense of educational and cultural interest in students.

3. The Association will organise discussion and debates on topics of general, cultural, academic, national and international importance. It may invite eminent persons to address the Association and undertake such activities as will contribute to the growth of a corporate life.

4. The Executive committee of the Association shall consist of the following members.

a) The Principal as Ex- Officio President.

b) The Adviser and the Associate adviser nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.

c) The Secretary to be elected by the students from among the 1 st and 2 nd year students.

d) The Assistant- Secretary to be elected by the students from among the 1 st year students.

e) Class Representatives:

One from each class to be elected.

f) One representative of the girl students to be nominated by the Principal. 5.a) The Executive Committee shall hold office for one session only.

b) The Secretary or the Assistant Secretary of the previous session shall carry on a work in the next session till the election takes place subject to clause (iii).

c) An examinee will cease to be a member of the executive Committee

after he has been sent-up for the Higher Secondary Examination.

d) The assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the discharge of his

duties and in his absence perform all his functions. .

6. The funds of the Cultural Association will consist oftheAnnual subscription

collected from the students of +2 classes and also donations which may

be received from others.

7. The Executive Committee shall f rm a budget for the session and get it. approved by the Principal before any expenditure is incurred. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping a regular account of all expenditure which should be supported by vouchers and submit account for audit.

8. The Principal will be the sole authority of the Cultural Association and may, If the situation so warrants, disolve the Association or nominate an office bearer such as the Secretary or the Assistant Secretary in the interest of the Association.

9. The general rule of the college concerning administrative, academic and disciplinary matters will be equally applicable to the students of Higher Secondary wing.